Growing King Blue Oyster Mushrooms from a Kit: Step-by-Step Guide

Complete Guide to Growing King Blue Oyster Mushrooms from a Kit.

Are you interested in growing King Blue Oyster Mushrooms from kit? This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process, step by step. King Blue Oyster Mushrooms are a laboratory hybrid known for their unpredictable color, ranging from “electric” blue hues to dark beige. Not only are they visually intriguing, but they also make for delicious additions to various dishes, absorbing savory sauces and seasonings exceptionally well.

IMPORTANT: We recommend launching your grow kits as soon as possible, maximum within a week of receipt. Until the moment of launch, it is better to store them in a dark place and away from heat sources.

growing king blue oyster mushroom from kit instructions guide

Table of Contents

Growing King Blue Oyster Mushroom From Kit (Instructions Guide)

To begin your journey into King Blue Oyster Mushroom cultivation, you’ll need a growing kit. These kits typically contain a growing block weighing about 2 kg, which will yield multiple waves of mushrooms over 1-1.5 months. Follow these steps to get started

Detailed step-by-step instructions for preparing and maintaining the mushroom growing kit:

  1. Make an incision: Create a cross-shaped incision, 4-5 cm long, in the center of the block. To retain moisture inside the block and for a more impressive harvest, make only one incision. Keep the adhesive tape securing the edge of the package in place.
  2. Spray and maintain moisture: Spray the incision with a spray bottle of drinking water 2-3 times a day. Keep the block moist and away from direct sunlight or heating sources. A humidifier nearby can be helpful. Cooler temperatures give the mushroom caps darker and more metallic shades.
  3. Monitor growth: After a few days, you’ll notice small light dots around or inside the cut, indicating the start of the crop. As it develops into a cluster of mushrooms, spray the substrate and surrounding air, avoiding the mushrooms themselves. It takes about 8-10 days for the mushrooms to mature. Harvest when the caps are still rounded on the tips and haven’t released spores.
  4. Harvest and store the mushrooms: After harvesting, cook or store mushrooms in a half-open bag in the refrigerator for up to a week.
  5. Reusing the block for more harvests: The mycelium will produce mushrooms until the block’s resources are exhausted. After the first harvest, remove remaining crop and follow step 2 for more waves of growth. If the substrate appears “shrunken,” submerge the block in cool water for several hours, weighting it down. Wrap the soaked block with cling film, make a new cut, or place it in the same bag tightly sealed. The first wave of mushrooms is the most productive, with each additional wave producing a smaller harvest.
  6. Recycle the spent block: After your final harvest, dry and break the block apart and bury it in your yard or garden. The decomposed substrate will serve as excellent fertilizer for the soil.

we have also share step by step guide on Growing Oyster Mushrooms At Home.

Best King Blue Oyster Mushroom Grow Kits

Choosing the Right Kit:

If you’re looking for King Blue Oyster Mushroom grow kits, here are some options to consider:

  • North Spore Organic Blue Oyster Mushroom Spray & Grow Kit
  • Organic Blue Oyster Mushroom Growing Kit
  • King Blue Oyster Mushroom Grow Kit by Oakland Mushroom Co.
North Spore Organic Blue Oyster Mushroom Spray & Grow KitCheck Price
Organic Blue Oyster Mushroom Growing KitCheck Price
King Blue Oyster Mushroom Grow Kit by Oakland Mushroom CoCheck Price

Common Problems and Pests in Mushroom Cultivation

While growing King Blue Oyster Mushrooms can be a rewarding experience, it’s essential to be aware of potential challenges and pests that may arise during the cultivation process:

  1. Contamination: Contamination by unwanted fungi or bacteria can hinder mushroom growth. To prevent contamination, maintain strict cleanliness throughout the cultivation process. Sterilize equipment and follow proper hygiene practices.
  2. Mold: Mold can be a common issue, especially in humid environments. To combat mold, ensure proper ventilation, and avoid over-saturating the substrate with water.
  3. Insects: Insects, such as fruit flies, can be attracted to the growing environment. Use mesh screens or nets to keep insects away from your mushrooms.
  4. Spore Contamination: Be cautious when harvesting to prevent the spread of spores. Harvest mushrooms before they release spores to maintain a clean growing environment.

Harvesting and Storing Tips

Harvesting and storing your King Blue Oyster Mushrooms properly is crucial for preserving their flavor and texture. Here are some tips:

  1. Harvest Timing: Harvest your mushrooms when the caps are still rounded at the tips and before they release spores. This ensures the best flavor and texture.
  2. Immediate Use: For the freshest taste, consider using your harvested mushrooms immediately in your favorite dishes.
  3. Refrigeration: If you can’t use them right away, store your harvested mushrooms in a slightly ajar bag in the refrigerator. This helps maintain freshness for up to 3-7 days.
  4. Cooking: Always cook your mushrooms before consumption. Avoid eating them raw, as mushrooms contain chitin, a biopolymer that’s hard to digest but breaks down during cooking.

By following these guidelines, you can minimize common issues and enjoy the fruits of your mushroom cultivation efforts.

King blue oyster mushroom made from pure organic ingredients

All of our grow kits are made from pure organic ingredients: grain, hardwood sawdust and soy hulls. Mycelium feeds only on this, and you can be exactly sure what you are eating unlike wild mushrooms.

After the caps are fully opened (the formation of teeth on the blackberry), the mushrooms begin to throw out spores. It is better to collect them a little earlier, while the edges of the hats are still slightly bent, and not straightened. This way you will collect them before they start to sporulate. The spores themselves are not dangerous, but the less all kinds of impurities in the air that surrounds you, the more favorable.

Be sure to cook mushrooms, do not eat them raw. They contain chitin, which is a biopolymer that is safe for humans, but difficult to digest, which decomposes during heat treatment.

FAQs about Growing King Blue Oyster Mushroom From Kit

faqs about growing king blue oyster mushroom from kit

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about growing King Blue Oyster Mushrooms:

How to Run King Blue Oyster Mushroom Grow Kit?

When you receive a grow kit, making a neat criss-cross cut and keeping the kit moist is essential. Avoid direct sunlight and maintain moisture by spraying the incision 2-3 times a day.

Do I Need Special Equipment to Grow Blue Oyster Mushrooms at Home?

Blue Oyster Mushroom grow kits typically don’t require special equipment. They come with the necessary moisture and thrive in a ventilated apartment.

What Conditions Are Optimal for Growing King Blue Oyster Mushroom?

King Blue Oyster Mushrooms prefer indirect sunlight, high humidity, and temperatures between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius. Adequate ventilation and avoiding heating appliances are crucial.

Is King Blue Oyster Mushroom’s Color Natural?

Yes, the color of King Blue Oyster Mushrooms is determined by genes, specifically melanin pigments. They can range from electric blue to dark beige.

When to Harvest King Oyster Mushrooms?

Harvest them when the caps start to straighten out but are still slightly curled at the edges. For optimal collection, pull them out gently by the base.

How to Store Harvested King Oyster Mushrooms?

Store them in the refrigerator in a slightly ajar bag and consume within 3-7 days.


With this comprehensive guide, you’re equipped to Growing King Blue Oyster Mushrooms from a Kit successfully. Enjoy the process and the delicious mushrooms you’ll harvest!